Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Pulp Fiction

This piece is reminiscent of our first project - representing a movie, or a portion of a movie, with typography. Instead of images, the artist animates the text to represent the pacing and action of the scene.

The scrolling of the text at different rates, the varying sizes of the text, and the juxtaposition those various elements gives the audience a good idea of what's happening in the scene of the movie without actually seeing the original images. The close cropping of many of the words, coupled with the speed they spill across the screen communicates the chaos of the scene of the movie, yet the scrong angles of Samuel Jackson's lines show him to be an authority figure in control of his surroundings.

The typeface change part way through is a welcome change to the patterns set up in the first portion of the piece - it makes it more engaging.

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