Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hello, Goodbye!


I saw this mug and thought it was pretty neat. Yes, the word "Hello" represents the identity of a magazine i have no concern for, but i found the use of the word more interesting. Often, in the morning, the good'ol cup of joe usually acts as a wake up call too all. Also in the morning people are often barely awake and somewhat grumpy, etc. To me, this cup (A) is like putting into text its own function, by welcoming you to the morning, just as the beverage it contains usually does. Then (B) it says hello in excstatic large CAPS, even when you may not be willing to do so yourself. You will look so polite with a mug like this, everyone would have to be nice to you!? I find the red and bold, large, capitalized type simple and very effective, no holds barge i suppose, and hard not to notice. This use of type reminds me of comics and how one can always find a word to describe the action that is present, in many ways this follows the same guide. Though its all accidental... maybe..



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