Wednesday, February 7, 2007


This image was found on the storefront on LUSH on queen st. The store sells handmade soaps and cosmetics. This typeface implys handcraft because it is does not have a strict structure. I'm not sure what the name of the typeface is, but it is clear that it has been altered when you compare the 'A's' and the 'D's'. The designer has gone further than just using an organic type, and has made it look less like a digital typeface by differentiating repetitive letters; this is carried through their advertisements as well. Along with connoting handcraft, this typeface also gives the store a trendy personality in a very artistic and fashion conscious area. It's carefree, fun and laid back, like the customers they are targeting. It's a gimic to make a soap store chain seem more like an independant family business; the idea that they are someone you can trust in a world where we are very cynical to many store chains. LUSH has a strong environmental standing, natural products and natural looking type and just a few ways for them to build their persona.

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