After doing the reading, I chose this to photograph the type or lettering used in this record because I felt it had a strong use of narrative. Almost all the type is hand rendered in a comic book style expect for the Advisory in the bottom left hand corner which serif and san serif fonts.
The title of the album “Doggystyle” is lettering illustrated as bricks coming out of a wall with the “Snoop Doggy Dogg” logo pasted over it on the top left corner. What I like about this logo is best, is how the two o’s in Snoop make up the smug eyes of a dog smoking a joint.
At the top going left to right, there are thought bubbles coming from each of the three dogs that say “Why must I feel like dat?”, “Why must I chase da cat?” and “Nuttin but da dogg in me!!!”.
On the right sign there is a caption that reads “Dat mean old dogg catcha” the dog catcher and a caption that reads “Ratta Tat Tat” pointing to a rat that has a thought bubble saying “Snoop is always on top of things”.
Finally on the dog’s house there is a sign that reads “BEWARE OF DOGG!!” illustrated as a sign made on a broken off piece of wood and nearby.
All these elements of type together with the illustrations create an expressive and comical cover. It is consistent in style in the way the type is hand rendered and how the word Dogg is spelled through out the piece. I find when there is a narrative on the front cover of an album, it keeps me looking at the piece for a longer time and enjoying the little details.
I photographed this LP as I was pulling it out of my record shelve, I found that showing it in this context, gave a nice relation of how typography is used in records and books, and its purpose of documentation.
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